Tytte Bear
Tytte Bear is a game I developed using Unity back in 2015. Initially it was released for Android devices on Google Play. Later it was made playable in the browser on Itch.io.
Tytte Bear was developed as part of my one man start-up attempt Giron Games. At the end of 2014, my contract as Junior Lecturer at Södertörn University was coming to an end. At the time I had a strong urge to resume my own studies for a Masters degree. However, I had roughly half a year of time to kill. Finding a "regular" job for just a few months didn't seem appealing. So why not try starting my own game company?
Said and done. I attended seminars to learn more about starting and running a business. I registered a company with the Swedish Tax Agency. Managed book keeping and tried to wrap my head around VAT-rules. While also designing and developing the game.
After six months of development. I had realized I didn't enjoy the business side of things. I rather focus on coding on the game. Besides university studies were around the corner which would take most of my attention. Thus I took the decision to wrap up Tytte Bear and release it as is. At the same time I unregistered the company and shut it down.
Will I ever attempt a start-up again? Probably not. At least not solo. With Tytte Bear I had help with the art. Otherwise I did everything myself. In a hypothetical future start-up I would want to have the support of a well rounded team so I can focus more on the technical aspects.